Modi Swearing In Ceremony is likely to be done on Thursday 30th May 2019 at Rashtrapati Bhavan Delhi. In their recent tweet President Ram Nath Kovind has confirmed Modi Swearing In Ceremony date & place. Under the PM Oath Ceremony event President invites the political Party who shows the majority in the election. In the 17th Lok Sabha election BJP has won the election with majority of 303 seats and the Election result has been announced on 23 May 2019. Now it’s time to announce Formally Prime Minister name and Cabinet Minister list 2019.
Table of Contents
Brief Summary of Modi Swearing In Ceremony
Event Name | Modi Swearing In Ceremony |
Date of event | 30th May 2019 |
Timing of Event | Thursday 7 pm |
Place of Oath ceremony | Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi |
Name Political Party | Bharatiya Janata Party |
No of seats win | 303 lok sabha seats |
Seats needs for Majority | 272 Lok Sabha seats |
Invited by | President of India |
PM Oath Ceremony 2020
President Mr. Ram Nath Kovind has tweeted that “The President will administer the oath of office and secrecy to the Prime Minister and other members of the Union Council of Ministers at 7 pm on May 30, 2019, at Rashrapati Bhavan”. Under Modi Swearing In Ceremony a number guests such as heads of the states, political parties and groups along with leaders of SAARC countries will be invited by president. There are many national and international Channel will cover the live coverage of Modi Swearing In Ceremony with their Cabinet ministers.
About Bharatiya Janata Party
Earlier it’s Name was Bharatiya Jana Sangh which was founded by Syama Prasad Mookerjee, after that Former Prime Minister Mr. Atal Bihar Vajpayee has changed Political party name from Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) the in year of 1980. First time BJP has won only 2 seats in the year of 1984 after that in lok sabha election of year 1989, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 party has won 85,120, 161,182, 182, 138, 116, 282 and 303 seats.
PM Narendra Modi Swearing In Ceremony Guest List
Around 8000 Guest will participate under the Pradhan Mantri Narendra Modi Oath Ceremony. In the history of Indian politics this will be biggest oath ceremony under which a large number of Guest come. President Ram Nath Kovind will host a private dinner party for Special Invited guest from various Countries such as leaders from Bimstec countries as well as Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov and Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth and also Bangladeshi President Abdul Hamid, Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, Myanmarese President U Win Myint, Nepali Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli and Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay Tshering will attend the Oath Ceremony on 30th May 2019
Thailand will be represented by its Special Enovy Grisada Boonrach.
The event will also be attended by leaders of political parties, Ambassadors and diplomats and celebrities from various fields.
About Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has born on 17th September 1950 in Vadnagar, Bombay State, India. Mr. Modi has served as chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014. After that BJP has won the 16th lok Sabha election with majority and he has been chosen for the Post of Prime Minister. PM Modi has served for nation as the 14th and now 15th Prime minister on India.
Address of Modi Swearing In Ceremony
- Rashtrapati Bhawan, President’s Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110004