PM Modi 2.0 Agenda For upcoming 100 days has been prepared by the Mr Rajiv Kumar Vice Chairman of Niti Aayog. He also said that in upcoming 100 Days Working plan under PM Modi 2.0 Agenda Central will manly focus upon Education, Employment, Health & Agriculture Growth. In their Party Manifesto BJP also mentioned to spend Rs 100 trillion of capital investment in infrastructure by 2024. PM Narendra Blueprint 2.0 Mission for next 100 days agenda will definitely provide a big push towards the devolvement.
Table of Contents
Modi 100 Days Agenda
Mr Narendra Modi who will again take an oath as a Prime minister of India on 30th May 2019 at 7 P.M at Rashtrapati Bhawan Delhi asked to Vice Chairman of Niti Aayog Mr Rajiv Kumar and Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) Prof K Vijayraghavan to draw up the PM Modi 2.0 agenda. Now after preparing the 100 days plans they told that under the PM Modi 100 Days Agenda main focused areas are Education, Infrastructure, GDP, GST, Health, and Agriculture & Entrepreneurship Development.
Main Focused Area Under PM Modi 2.0 Agenda
The Re Elected Modi Government after winning 17th lok Sabha election is going full fill all the pre polled promises in their Manifesto as soon as possible. In Upcoming 3 months PM Modi will take big decisions and start a number of welfare schemes for each age group. According to various offline and online sources these big decisions will be taken in the favor of Low Income Group and Middle Class Group Citizens. A number of Welfare scheme such as Pension Scheme, Minimum income support Scheme, Unemployment allowance scheme, Entrepreneurs development scheme will be started by new elected government.
Highlights of PM Modi 2.0 Agenda
Education- In education Sector Government is going to implement a new national education policy. Under this Policy 5 lakh vacant faculty positions in higher education will be filled and also preparing to confer 10 institutions to the Institute of Eminence status.
Health– Government will expand the coverage of diseases under PM Ayushman Bharat Yojana. they will make many medicines under affordable prices and as well as they make essential blood tests on cheap prices. For fulfill this idea re elected government will open pathology labs at more than 5,000 Jan Aushadhi outlets across India, besides capping traders’ profit margins and for cheap medicines, a scheme will launched to encourage domestic production of raw material for medicines.
Farmers Welfare- New Elected will start short interest free agricultural loans upto Rs 1 Lakh rupee. In coming three month Central will launch Kisan Pension Scheme and the Pm kisan yojana government will cover each farmer of the country.
Labour Pension Scheme– In PM Sharm Yogi Mandhan Yojana the central government will expand the coverage now small shopkeeper also included under the Labour Pension Scheme.
Factory Worker Insurance scheme- A proper cover for migrant labourers and factory workers is a top priority and the effort will be to cover 100 million workers in the Employees’ State Insurance Scheme by 2022.
GDP-The target is to push the economy 2.6% which has slipped to 6.6 per cent in the third quarter of 2018-19.
GST- Tax slabs could be merged into two main rates from four at present.
Interest Free Loan Scheme- Soon central government will start short term interest free loan scheme for entrepreneurs of the country so that they may start their own business and become a part in the development of the nation.
Other Focused Area In PM Modi 2.0 (Blueprint 2.0)
As well as central govt. will focus open launching new scheme for MSME, mining, power & energy, Tourism, Saving Drinking water, interlinking of rivers, unemployment allowance schemes, Entrepreneurs skill training scheme, infrastructure improvement scheme & national Security etc. , BJP also promised to turn India into a $5 trillion economy by 2025 and reiterated its promise to double farm income by 2022.
Implementation of PM Modi 2.0 Agenda
Modi Swearing In Ceremony is likely to be done on
Thursday 30th May 2019 at Rashtrapati Bhavan Delhi. After that 100-day
governance plan will be implementation from June 2019. Now it’s time to
see how much promises will Newly Elected government fulfill.