Bhartiya Janta Party released its Manifesto for the Jharkhand state Polls on Wednesday. The manifesto has been released by the Union minister and senior BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad. In party’s manifesto for Jharkhand polls, BJP promising a slew of measures for the farmers, including a loan of up to Rs 3 lakh with easy repayment options and a mobile handset. The party also promises to provide jobs to at least one person of the poor families and many more. Here in this article, we are going to provide the highlights of the BJP manifesto for the Jharkhand elections. If you desire to know about it, please have a look on the information stated in this article.
Table of Contents
Key points of Jharkhand BJP Manifesto
Article about | BJP Manifesto |
Announced by | Union minister and senior BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad |
Announced for | Jharkhand polls |
Announced on | Wednesday |
Highlights of the BJP Manifesto for Jharkhand Polls
The BJP party include following things in the Manifesto released by the Union minister and senior BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad for the Jharkhand polls:-
- To provide loan to the farmers up to Rs. 3 Lakh with easy repayment options. Loan limit of cooperative committees will be hiked to Rs 200 crores.
- To provide a mobile handset to the farmers
- To construct 70 new Eklayva Model Residential Schools
- Financial assistance will be provided to the school students for their studies who belong to Backward class and poor families. Every student of Classe 9th and 10th will receive Rs.2200 and class 11th & 12th students will get Rs.7500/- as scholarship.
- To pledge job to at least one member of the families belongs to BPL category if again came into power in the state.
- Under the states Mukhya Mantri Krishi Ashirwad Yojana the government will provide Rs 5,000 to maximum number of farmers every year.
- If BJP came again into power, 5000 farmers would send to the foreign country for the study about the latest technology of farming.
- To address the problems faced by the tribal people and make welfare schemes for them, a Jharkhand Tribal Empowerment Institution will be set up.
- A loan of up to Rs 5 lakh will also sanction for tribals opting for self-employment and women’s too running self-help groups.
- BJP will provide one time grant of Rs. 50000 to promote tribal art and languages
- To end the menace of human trafficking required steps will be taken
- To create job opportunities for local youth
- one lakh Sakhi Mandal (centre for the welfare of women) will come up within the next five years. Women’s will get Rs.1 lakh to Rs. 5 Lakh aid for setting up of new startups.
- Rajya Krida Pratibha Sampnah Mission would be set up to promote sports.