Free Bijli Yojana For Tenants has been announced by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. Under this scheme, prepaid meters will be installed for those living in rental houses in Delhi. Tenants will get free electricity up to 200 units. This scheme is known as Chief Minister Tenant Electricity Meter Scheme. Dear friends today we are going to provide all the information about this scheme Free Bijli Yojana for Tenants in Delhi. So read our article till the end and take advantage of the scheme
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Free electricity to Tenants Up to 200 units
After providing free electricity facility of up to 200 units to the residents of Delhi by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, it has now been announced to provide free electricity facility to the people living in rented houses. Under this Free Bijli Yojana, Up to 200 units of electricity will be given free and people will have to pay half the bill if the bill of up to 400 units comes.
Chief Minister Tenant Electricity Meter Scheme
This prepaid meter can be used only on a domestic basis, under this Chief Minister Tenant Electricity Meter Scheme; people living in rented houses will also be given cheap electricity. Those who live in rented houses of Delhi and prepaid will get killed. If they want, they do not need the approval of the landlords now, CM Rvidra Kejriwal says that the prepaid meter charged under this Chief Minister Tenant Electricity Meter Scheme will give the landlords. it will not affect the way and no one can take over the tenant houses
How To Get Prepaid Meter
The tenants residing in a rented house in Delhi will have to pay 6000 rupees for getting the prepaid meters installed. Under this scheme, the tenants of Delhi can take a connection to get prepaid meters with the help of only 2 document agreement and identity card. Under this scheme, three numbers have been issued to take prepaid meter connection, 19122 for BSES Yamuna, 19123 for BSES Rajdhani and 19124 for TATA Power. Will do
Objective of free Bijli Yojana 2023
Landlords living in Delhi did not allow tenants to install electricity meters separately, the landlords supply electricity to tenants by installing different sub-meters from each electricity meter, which causes more power consumption on one electricity meter due to which more considering that the electricity bill comes and the landlord increases the electricity bill from the tenants. Keeping this in mind, the Delhi government has decided to start Mukhyamantri Bijli Yojana, under this scheme, electricity bills up to 200 units will be made free by putting prepaid meters on the rented houses. Under the Free Bijli Yojana 2023, Delhi’s tenants get a huge relief from electricity bills of up to 200 units.
Key facts of Free Bijli Yojana for Tenants in Delhi
- No electricity bill of up to 200 units is being borne by the CMM of Delhi from the landlords living in the capital some time back, similarly now in the recent announcement made by the Chief Minister, the tenants living in Delhi are also 200. Even the bill of the unit will be waived.
- Under the Chief Minister’s tenant power scheme, now the characters will also be given cheap electricity.
- Under the Free Bijli Yojana 2020, tenants living in rented houses of Delhi will have to install a prepaid meter on the house to get the electricity bill of 200 units free.
- Tenants will have to pay the electricity bill of up to 50% on arrival of bill up to 400 units.
- Now tenants of Delhi, as well as tenants, can get benefits.
How to Apply for Prepaid Meter for BSES
- Apply online or throw BSES Delhi mobile app you will be required to pay the demand not to get the metre installed at your house.
- You can also fix an appointment for door step mobility service of BSES by calling the bijali DG seva Kendra DSK at 19123 or 3 99997.
- You can personally visit brpl division office to complete the documentation formalities pe demand not and get the meter installed.
- Assembly elections in Delhi are do yearly next year however the ruling app has already hit the campaign model launching several populist scheme.
- CM Kejriwal head in August Anna free electricity for city residents who consume less than 200 units he had also nounsd free metro rides for women but the decision soon rain into trouble with the DMRC racing concerns our schemes facibility.