Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme- NABARD Dairy Scheme

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme was launched under the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries. The objective of NABARD Dairy Scheme is to promote the Dairy sectors and to improve the technologies of the Dairy production. Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme will provide the financial assistance in step a better environmental structure for Dairy farms. Only 10% of total project cost will be contributed by the owner of the project and other 90% will be covered under the NABARD Dairy Scheme. Check the complete detail of the scheme in the below section

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme

डेयरी फार्मिंग योजना-नाबार्ड

इस योजना के अन्तर्गत भारत सरकार द्वारा दुग्ध उत्पादन के क्षेत्र में विकास करने के लिये डेयरी फार्मिंग योजना का आरंभ किया गया है इस योजना के अन्तगर्त भारत सरकार नये व्यवसायी को अपना स्ंवय का दुग्ध उत्पादन परियोजना को प्रारम्भ करने के वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करेगी। इस डेयरी फार्मिंग योजना के अन्तर्गत नये व्यवसायी को केवल कुल लागत का 10 प्रतिशत अपने पास से पूजी के रूप व्यय करना पड़ेगा बाकी कि कुल राशि भारत सरकार द्वारा सब्सिडी के रूप में तथा लोन के रूप में प्रदान की जायेगी।

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development (NABARD) Scheme 2020

Under the NABARD Dairy Scheme Government of India will provide the subsidy for the different cost of project is as follows. These subsidies are categorized according to General, SC/ST Category wise.

S.NO Component Unit Cost Pattern  of Assistance
1 Establishment of
small dairy units with crossbred cows/ indigenous descript mulch cows like Sahiwar, Red Sindhi, Gir, Rathi etc /graded buffaloes
upto 10 animals. ( for SHGs, Cooperatives societies ,
Producer Companies unit size will be 2-10 animals per member)
Rs 6.00 lakh for 10 animal  unit — minimum unit size is 2 animals with an upper limit of 10 animals. 25% of the project cost (33.33% for SC / ST farmers), as back ended capital subsidy. Subsidy shall be restricted on prorata basis to a.maximum of 10 animals subject to a ceiling of Rs.15,000 per animal,
(Rs 20,000 for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is  lower.Beneficiaries may purchase animals of higher costs, however, the subsidy will be restricted to the above ceilings.
2 Rearing of heifer calves — cross bred, indigenous descript milch breeds of cattle and of graded buffaloes — upto 20 calves Rs 5.30 lakh
for 20 calf unit — with an upper limit of 20 calves
25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy Subsidy shall be restricted on prorata basis to a maximum of 20 calf unit subject to a ceiling of Rs.6,600/- per calf (Rs.8,800 for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower
Vermi compost with milch animal unit ( to be considered with milch animals/small dairy farm and not separately
Rs 22,000/- 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 5,500 (Rs 7300/- for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower.
4 Purchase of milking machines
/milkotesters/bulk milk cooling units (upto 5000 lit capacity)
Rs 20 lakh 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 5.0 lakh (Rs 6.67 lakh for SC / ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower
5 Purchase of dairy processing
equipment-for manufacture of indigenous milk products
Rs 13.20 lakh 25% of the project cost (36.33 %for SC/ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 3 30 lakh (Rs 4.40 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower
6 Establishment of
dairy product transportation
facilities and cold chain
Rs 26.50 lakh 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capita! Subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 6.625 lakh (Rs 8.830 lakh for SC/ST -farmers) or actual whichever is lower
7 Cold storage facilities
for milk and milk products
Rs 33 lakh 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 8.25 lakh (Rs 11.0 lakh for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower
Establishment of private veterinary clinics
Rs 2.60 lakh or mobile clinic and Rs 2.0 lakh for stationary clinic 25% of the project cost (33.33 % for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 65,000/- and Rs 50,000/- (Rs 86,600/- and Rs 66,600/- for SC/ST farmers) respectively for mobile and stationary clinics or actual whichever is lower
9 Dairy marketing outlet / Dairy parlour Rs 1.0 lakh/- 25% of the project cost (33.33% for SC / ST farmers) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 25,000/-(Rs 33,300/- for SC/ST farmers) or actual whichever is lower

डेयरी फार्मिंग योजना की वित्तीय सहायता का विवरण
इस योजना के अन्तर्गत भारत सरकार द्वारा सामान्य व अनुजाति/अनुसूचित जनजाति के व्यवसायी को वित्तीय सहायता के रूप में पूर्ण परियोजना का 25 प्रतिशत सामान्य जाति के व्यवसायी को तथा 33.34 प्रतिशत अनुजाति/अनुसूचित जनजाति के व्यवसायी को सब्सिडी वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान की जायेगी। व्यवसायी द्वारा केवल पूर्ण परियोजना का 10 प्रतिशत ही देना होगा एवं बाकी परियोजना लागत का 90 प्रतिशत में से 25 एवं 33.34 प्रतिशत सब्सिडी के रूप में एवं बची हुई धनराशि का वित्तीय सहायता प्रमाणित बैंको द्वारा ऋण के रूप में प्रदान की जायेगी। ऋण प्रदान करने वाले बैंको का विवरण नीचे दिया गया है।

Brief Summary of NABARD Dairy Scheme

Scheme Name NABARD Dairy Scheme
Launched by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Date of apply No Last Date
Ministry Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries.
Category Central Govt. Scheme
Official Website https://www.nabard.org/default.aspx

Benefits of NABARD Dairy Scheme

  • Government will provide subsidy to entrepreneurs.
  • It will improve the dairy farms of the country.
  • It will increase the milk production of India.
  • This scheme will provide the better structure for farming.

नाबार्ड डयेरी योजना के मुख्य लाभ

  •  योजना के अन्तर्गत भारत सरकार द्वारा नये व पुराने उदयमियों सब्सिडी सहायता प्रदान की है
  • इस योजना के द्वारा भारत सरकार देश मे दुग्ध उत्पादन को बढ़ावा देना चाहती है
  • इसके अन्तर्गत बेहतर उपकरण व नयी तकनीक को बढ़ावा दिया जायेगा।
Eligibilty for Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
  • You should be the nationality of India
  • You must have at least 500 m land for established of dairy farm
  • Aadhar Card
  • Address Proof
  • Bank pass book
  • You don’t be the bank loan Defaulter.
डयेरी योजना की पात्रता
  • किसान एवं नये व्यवासायी
  • व्यक्ति भारत का मूल निवासी हो
  • परियोजना की स्थापना करने वाले व्यक्ति के पास कम से कम 500 मीटर भूमि होना आवश्यक है।
  • आधार कार्ड
  • बैंक की पासबुक
  • पत्र व्यवहार का पता
  • लाभकारी किसी भी बैक का लोन डिफाल्टर न हो।

How to Apply for Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme

There are simple steps for applying Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme. Follow the given steps and easily get the financial allowance under the NABARD Dairy Scheme.

First Step- Decide the type of project you want established under the NABARD Dairy Scheme.

Second Step- Prepare the detailed planned of the Project.

Third Step- Register your Company and get government approval letter through FSSAI

Fourth Step- submit the request to bank loan in commercial bank or regional rural bank or state cooperative bank or state cooperative agriculture and rural development bank.

Fifth Step-Once the bank loan is sanctioned, the promoter would have to implement the project using his contribution and bank loan.

sixth Step- After releasing the First installment of Loan. The bank will apply for Subsidy sanction by the NABARD for Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme.

Seventh Step- the subsidy amount will be adjust by the bank in the sanction loan to the candidate

Important Downloads
Dairy Farming Scheme Guidelines

Click Here

Dairy Farming Scheme Circular

Click Here

  Quick Links

Official Website

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Central Govt. Scheme

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