Unique Identification Authority of India has now started the online appointment booking for fresh Aadhaar application and Aadhaar updating at Aadhaar Sewa Kendra. Now you can easily Book Aadhaar Card Appointment at Aadhaar Sewa Kendra by following few steps to avail the services related to Aadhaar provided by these centers. UIDAI has Aadhaar Sewa Kendra in cities like Delhi, Patna, Bangalore, Lucknow, Bhopal, Agra, Chennai, Vijayawada, Hisar, and Chandigarh. To grab the information related to how to book the online appointment and services you can avail at these centers, you may have to read this article till the end.
Table of Contents
Book Aadhaar Card Appointment
To book Aadhaar card Appointment now you need not spend hours outside the service centers. Unique Identification Authority of India now started online appointment booking to avail Aadhaar services. You need to go through a small procedure as mentioned in this article to book an appointment for fresh application or updating the existing Aadhaar card details. Aadhaar Sewa Kendra’s provide various services like fresh enrollment, name update, address update, mobile number update, E-mail ID update, date of birth update, Gender Update, Biometric Update.
Multipurpose ID Card India
Aadhar Card Appointment Highlights:
Name of Authority | Unique Identification Authority of India |
Service providing | Aadhaar card Appointment |
Applying mode | online |
Official website | https://appointments.uidai.gov.in/ |
How to Book Aadhaar Card Appointment
- To book an appointment you have to open the website of the Unique Identification Authority of India
- Now from the home page of the website go to the “My Aadhaar” option from the menu bar and a drop-down list will appear on the screen
- Now select “Book an Appointment” option from there and a new web page appears
Udyog Aadhar Registration
Book an Appointment at UIDAI run Aadhaar Seva Kendra
- Go to “Book an Appointment at UIDAI run Aadhaar Seva Kendra” option if you belong to cities like Delhi, Patna, Bangalore, Lucknow, Bhopal, Agra, Chennai, Vijayawada, Hisar and Chandigarh
- Then select your city and click “Proceed to book an appointment” option
- For new application “new Aadhaar” option or select “Aadhaar update” option if you need to update details from the opened page and then enter your mobile number and Captcha code appears on the screen, click “Generate OTP”.
- Now you have to enter the OTP and click Verify option
- As your mobile number verification completes some of the details like your name, father name, email ID, address, etc. will be asked on the screen.
- Now choose a date and time for your appointment
- As you submit the date and time a confirmation message will be sent to your mobile number.
Book an Appointment at Registrar Run Aadhaar Seva Kendra
- Go to “Book an Appointment at Registrar runs Aadhaar Seva Kendra” option and click “Proceed to book an appointment” option
- A new page will appear on the screen, enter your mobile number and Captcha code
- Now click “Generate OTP” option
- Now you have to enter the OTP
- Click Verify option
- As your mobile number verification completes some of the details like your name, father name, email ID, address etc. will be asked on the screen.
- Now choose a date and time for your appointment
- As you submit the date and time a confirmation message will be sent to your mobile number with an appointment booking number.
Important links:
- Official website of UIDAI
- Appointment Link at UIDAI run Aadhaar Seva Kendra
- Appointment Link at Registrar run Aadhaar Seva Kendra